电子信箱: gaopeng218@gabonmagazine.com
(1) 2020.06-至今 bet365官网 电气bet365官网与信息工程学院 电气工程专业(电机与电器方向),副教授,硕士生导师
(2) 2015.07-2020.05 bet365官网 电气bet365官网与信息工程学院 电气工程专业,讲师,硕士生导师
(3) 2018.09-2019.08 英国诺丁汉大学,访问学者
(4) 2009.06-2015.06 bet365官网电气工程系,硕士、博士研究生
(1) 电动汽车驱动用永磁电机研究与设计
(2) 高速永磁电机分析与设计
(3) 轴向磁场永磁电机分析与设计
(4) PCB绕组电机分析与设计
(1) 2020.05-2021.08 企、事业单位委托项目“摆式机芯电机控制模块”, 第一参与人
(2) 2019.05-2021.05 企、事业单位委托项目“LJC40驱动电机开发”,第一参与人
(3) 2018.09-2020.06 bet365官网新工科教改项目“电机学课程教学中融入虚拟仿真技术的研究与实践”,项目负责人
(4) 2018.07-2019.07企、事业单位委托项目“物流车30kW驱动电机开发项目”,第一参与人
(5) 2017.10-2019.12 企、事业单位委托项目“驱动电机(60kW)开发项目”, 第一参与人
(6) 2016.08-2019.07 企、事业单位委托项目“专用大功率电动摩托车开发”,项目负责人
(7) 2016.06-2017.06 企、事业单位委托项目“新能源预研项目”,第一参与人
(1) Li Xiaoning, Wang Xiaoyuan, Gao Peng*, Gu Yuxi. Method of improving performance of the low-inductance PMSM drive system. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2021 (SCI)
(2) Gao, Peng, Sun Xibin, Gerada, David*, Gerada, Chris, Wang, Xiaoyuan. Improved V-shaped interior permanent magnet rotor topology with inward-extended bridges for reduced torque ripple. IET Electric Power Applications, 2020, 14(12): 2404-2411(SCI).
(3) Gao Peng, Gu Yuxi, He Yuling*, Gerada David, Wang Xiaoyuan, Gerada Chris. Mechanical strength analysis and optimization of metallic sleeve in high-speed permanent magnet synchronous machines. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2020,63(2): 343-359(SCI)
(4) Sun Xibin, Gao Peng*, Wang Xiaoyuan. Study on the effects of rotor-step skewing on the vibration and noise of a PMSM for electric vehicles. IET Electric Power Applications,2020,14(1):131-138(SCI)
(5) Gao Peng, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Gu Yuxi, Wang Xiaoyuan*. Coupled electromagnetic and thermal analysis of an axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machines with printed circuit board winding. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 2020,63(3): 449–464(SCI)
(6) Gao Peng*, Gu Yuxi, Shah Sayyed Haleem, Abubakar Usman, Wang Xiaoyuan. Calculation and analysis of flux leakage coefficient of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors with fractional slot concentrated windings. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2019, 29(2): 1-4(SCI)
(7) Wang Xiaoyuan, Pang Wei, Gao Peng*, Zhao Xiaoxiao. Electromagnetic design and analysis of axial flux permanent magnet generator with unequal-width PCB winding. IEEE Access,2019, 7:164696-164707(SCI)
(8) Gao Peng*, Gu Yuxi, Wang Xiaoyuan. The Design of a Permanent Magnet In-Wheel Motor with Dual-Stator and Dual-Field-Excitation Used in Electric Vehicles. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 2018,63(3): 449–464(SCI)
(1) 电路基础A和电路基础B
(2) 电工测量实验
《Transactions on Industrial Electronics》、《Engineering Computations》、《IEEE Transactions on Magnetics》、《IET Electric Power Applications》等期刊审稿人。